Want to analyze Amazon’s current and historical data, estimate sales and profit, and check stock levels? Then check out the Seller Assistant App. If you are looking for the Seller Assistant App promo code, then check out the discounts section mentioned below.
Also read: Tactical Expander Coupon Code & Offers
Seller Assistant App Coupon Code & Discounts
Claim your exclusive discount now. Get up to 30% off on your next Seller Assistant App subscription using the Seller Assistant App coupon code. Verified discounts on Seller Assistant App plans. Also, avail 14-day free trial.

Grab Seller Assistant App Start Plan @ $15.99
Grab Seller Assistant App Start Plan @ $15.99
About Seller Assistant App
Seller Assistant App is a browser extension for Amazon Sellers that combines FBA calculator, IP alerts, stock checker, quick view in one tool. It simplifies your Online Arbitrage, Wholesale, or Dropshipping business on Amazon.
Features include valuable product information, FBM & FBA Profit Calculator, Offers and Competition analysis, Advanced IP Alert, and more. Till now 250M products analyzed, 1M arbitrage deals found and saved, and 45k+ users worldwide.
Seller Assistant App Pricing & Plans
Pricing plans start from $15.99 per month with options for monthly or annual subscriptions and add-ons available. Full details are here.
- The monthly START plan costs $15.99 per month, offering 3500 Product Lookups, 3 Google Sheets, and up to 3 extensions per user.
- The monthly PRO plan costs $29.99 per month, offering 10000 Product Lookups, 10 Google Sheets, and up to 3 extensions per user.
- The annual START plan costs $149.99 per year, offering 3500 Product Lookups, 3 Google Sheets, and up to 3 extensions per user.
- The annual PRO plan costs $299.99 per year, offering 10000 Product Lookups, 10 Google Sheets, and up to 3 extensions per user.
Additional add-ons include an Extra User for $14.99 per month, which includes 5000 Product Lookups and 5 Google Sheets, and an Extra 1000 Product Lookups for $2.99 per month.
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